Carla has had a profound impact on my life since the loss of my son, showing me undeniably that his spirit never left us and continues to be present with me on this journey as the years unfolded.  

She has opened my eyes to the energetic world all around us, the presence of spirit, and the intuitive abilities that lie within each of us. For the many of you that have experienced a session or workshop with Carla, you understand the gifts she brings to the world.

Many of us have come to her for for intuitive guidance for some of the most important decisions in our lives.  Others have been reunited with their loved ones who have passed in a session with her. 

I can't recommend her enough.

--Eliza Welch

Carla is a gifted intuitive.  A session with her brings both clarity and wisdom to any situation or question.  She has the ability to see straight to the heart of the matter and offer powerful insight to guide you. When I find myself at a crossroad in life, Carla is the first person I think to consult. In fact, she has become the intuitive guide for many of my friends. 

Carla is also able to connect with my son who passed away several years ago. She brings forth the beauty of his spirit and enables a dialogue between us.  

Carla has given me a more expansive view of the universe and our soul’s purpose here.  I feel fortunate to have her guidance  in my life. E.W.

I had a major surgery almost 5 months ago and recovery has been the most challenging event in my life. My phone sessions with Carla have been the one thing that has truly saved me. Every time we speak, I shift physically, energetically, and emotionally. She is a natural healer with the ability to be fully present, nonjudgemental, honest, loving, and kind. Her insights about my life, health, and relationships are also spot-on. Carla’s healings, along with the readings and guidance are incredibly powerful. Her personalized meditations she creates have assisted me on a daily basis to help in my healing. I feel so fortunate to have her be a part of my healing journey, which has allowed me to move forward each step of the way. H.S.

As an intuitive healer, Carla has the ability to dive deep into the core of things, while keeping a sense of humor and a compassionate heart. I’ve always been blown away by her profound connection and ease when it comes to reading souls who have transitioned from this life. At her readings, I’ve experienced more clarity and a connection with my own information reflected by her in a gentle and effective way. Highly recommend her work for anyone looking to grow and heal from within.  T.C.

Carla has a true gift for energy reading and healing. I do not share personal details from my childhood and have a solid boundary with people. Carla was able to immediate see through it all, to the exact source of a current issue. Helping me see what was coming up for the other person as well as what action would best serve me moving forward. A weight of hurt, guilt and shame was lifted off me instantly. She also knew things I had been wanting to do but not been in action around and gave me affirmation to purse these dreams and passions. 

Carla was able to see me fully, to see those around my heart fully and provide a light for the path ahead.  R.T.

I had my first reading with Carla in 2013. It was 48 hours after I had been told that I would be heading towards divorce by my husband. Carla's reading helped me with this transition. I felt like I had a weight lifted off of my shoulders and that not only would I survive, but I would thrive and grow in ways I never dreamed.

My father who had died also came through in a reading. It was reassuring to know that he was there with me. He also gave me a message that I didn't understand at the time. However, three years later, it made complete sense. It was profoundly healing.

She's helped me to gained clarity on my relationships. I love that Carla is so non- judgmental...even if I didn't follow advice in the moment, she provided insight and guidance to living a healthier life. I didn't know at the time how beautiful my life could become. She gave me hope and taught me how to ground myself.  P.G.

It's hard to put into words what a session with Carla is like. When we finish, I feel grounded yet uplifted. It's as if she helps me tap into a wellspring of compassion and clarity. Most importantly, she teaches the tools to do it on your own. For someone who can be a bit skeptical at times, Carla's warmth and humor make the experience comfortable and genuine from the get go. I look forward to my time with Carla. She is a treasure! M.R.

When I walk out of a session with Carla, I feel a completely better than I walked in. It is a shift  within, as well as an outward shift in my personal and daily life. My energy is completely different, all for the positive. 

I feel a sense of balance and well being from the work I’ve done with her. I am able to feel more joyful and have an ease with how I move through the world.

I would recommend  a session with Carla to anyone who is looking for insight and a bigger perspective on their life. For anyone who wants to feel better in general…a session has lasting benefits!  L.T.

Carla is a true intuitive and healer. She was surprisingly accurate about people in my life and our work together really helped me gain clarity around some things that had been causing me confusion and pain.  She helped me understand myself more deeply and allowed me a safe space to connect with my energy and higher self.  She also gave me some amazing tools and meditation techniques that I have been using almost daily and find very helpful for me to protect my energy and stay centered and calm.  Carla is the real deal, I would highly recommend her to anyone I know! A.U.

Carla’s Intuitive Healing Mediation class has been a valuable tool that gives me a chance to totally focus on relaxing and letting go of the chatter in my brain. Having Carla available to guide the meditation class allows me to focus on just me for a half hour and not be distracted by life. I feel that I am doing something positive and proven to assist with the continued healing of both body and brain post-cancer. J.H.

Carla's readings are spot-on, delivered with humor and compassion.  Her insights dig deep, bring immediate energy shifts, and practical and effective home work.  A reading with this skilled intuitive will bring positive change and healing to any issue you are working on.  If you are ready to move energy, treat yourself and those you love to a reading with Carla!  K.L.

I found Carla or maybe I should say she found me. The sadness, fear, anger, disbelief that I felt after my dad's passing, felt somehow stuck inside me. One day while I was walking my dog, I ran into Carla. A few days later, I did a session with her. I felt great afterward. All of the heavy weight that I had carried around for so many years was lifted. I thought of meditation many times but it was hard to find the time and to be able to slow down a bit. But, I was able to take her meditation class through the Pacific Cancer Foundation. Carla is a very knowledgeable and compassionate person who has helped me to find peace and taught me how to channel that energy into something positive. I love her. She is wonderful.  E.S.